Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Memory Quilt-A-Long?

The hint from my first post is about my next project....a baby clothes memory quilt!  I have three girls and plenty of clothes, though I'm sure I won't need them all.  (Or I may end up making one for my husband and I to cling to after our girls leave us someday, and one for each of them...)

I'll break it into steps that you can do as you have time.  Maybe you have enough now to do one?  Maybe you want to work on it as a project each season as you clear out your closet?  Look through the boxes and start thinking which pieces you might want to include.

If you already handed down your baby clothes, you might have that stash of t-shirts from college, a stack of shirts from all the activities your child was in that could be made into a quilt of memories for them to snuggle in as they prepare for finals in a few short months!

I'll step you through the process of stablilizing your knit fabrics so you will get nice, crisp seams, give you pointers for design, and help you finish up the project.  You can make it as simple (large squares cut from T-shirts) or as complicated (many small intricate pieces) as you want.  I will also share a way to stretch the use of your scraps so you don't waste any of your precious memories!

HOMEWORK:  Gather 30-50 pieces of clothing depending on size.  Group into "must use" and "would like to use" piles so you won't get to the end realizing that you were missing the essential outfit!  Try to consciously include some darks and lights for contrast.  Take pictures of the outfits in their whole form...(I'll explain more later, but even if you don't use them, you don't want to wish that you did it before the wrath of the sewing room scissors!)

Please comment if you would like to participate!

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